Dave was the only one in the car and he is fine so don't worry about him or us but here are some interesting photos on his car accident on Sunday at 3:50 pm on I-215 right before the 20th East exit (he was heading WEST). Our newly (new to us) purchased white Toyota Celica that I just bought 3 months ago for Trevor and Raena to use is totaled and will cost too much to fix. The rear axel is a mess and of course the exterior body on the drivers side.
Dave was driving to pick me up near the I-15 and 90th South exit. I had just returned from an incredible camping and hiking trip in Southern Utah over the past 4 days.
A large suburban was in the middle lane, Dave was in the right lane. The suburban headed right into Dave's lane forcing him off the freeway. In order for Dave to avoid a collision in a split second of thinking while they were going 60 mph or so,(he didn't want to throw on his breaks since he didn't know who might be right in back of him at that moment), so he was forced into the emergency lane to avoid getting hit. The emergency lane had a an uneven lip on it besides those tire things. The tires lost control and spun out, Dave's car tipped over on the driver's side, spun around a few times and would have rolled at least a few more times had it not been for the steep enbankment that helped force the car back on it's tires. The car settled on the hill embankment facing the freeway.
The suburban that cut Dave off and caused the accident never stopped. Dave thinks the driver quickly cut across 2 lanes so he could get off at the last minute on the 20th East exit.
We are counting our blessings that Dave was not hurt or that anyone else on the freeway was not involved. Dave was sore a little in his back yesterday but today feels fine and went and played basketball the next morning as usual. He said he's been banged up a lot worse in basketball. Our car was towed away after the perimedics and fire truck came. An off duty sheriff saw Dave spin out since he had stopped to help someone fix a flat tire a half block east of Dave's accident. Grateful we didn't lose Dave and that he wasn't injured hardly at all. Grateful no one else was involved in this accident. Grateful I didn't have to walk home from I-15/90th South - thanks to Rick. Trevor was speaking in the Singles 30th Ward Sacrament Meeting at that exact time on the subject of Adversity. Devin was listening to Trevor speak. Raena was home taking a nap. Grateful no one else was in the car with Dave. Grateful we have car, life and health insurance. Mostly grateful that the Lord protects, guides, watches over and blesses His children, like our little family.